The success of any business app is not just about professional technique to become famous. It also depends on the ability to reach the target audience. Mobile applications are a great way to connect with both new and current users through their Smartphone and any other devices. However, the app is not going to ensure its success by just having a technically proficient app – you need to promote or market as well. Mobile App Marketing is not only about getting new customers through marketing campaign but also engaging and dazzling the current users so that, they can be free advocates of your app through word of mouth referrals. Verbal referrals of current users are the best marketing strategy for your business mobile application.
We can say that hard work and mobile app marketing can help you to boost your app’s potential success.

Here are some of the steps to follow for encouraging your users to market your business mobile application for you.
- Make An Extraordinary App:
This is the essential and most important step – if you want people to talk about your application, it must be a great app. Your app should be free from any technical bugs, it should be easy and enjoyable for your users to be engaged with it.
For example, Clash of Clans game, that is developed and published by Supercell. Users are highly addicted to this game if once they are used to play this game. They are updating their app time to time and engaged with the games because it is highly creative and interactive app. It’s also very easy for anyone to play. This is the actually what you want for your application to give – a simple, creative and interesting experience.
- Make Your App’s Story:
Make a mobile application which is like storytelling to give your app more reflective and responsive. If the user is connected with the story of your business application, they are going to use it frequently. Let’s take an example; you can put your app to display on a website which has a blog. On that blog, you are supposed to post interesting stories and tales of having your user’s type of interest who are using your mobile application. You can also add other types of contents like tips and tricks, customer reviews or even how-to articles about the Business mobile app. You can also post interesting images, videos known as visual elements which are always appealing to the related customers especially those who are using small screens on their mobile phones.
- Give Them Something Special To Share:
That’s not just enough to make your users share the existence of the business app. The app has to have something unique and special bragging rights to be famous. Let’s take an example regarding this; there are shareable photos, articles, blogs, videos, playlists, your new achievements or game where people can attract to respond. For instance, a music app, which lets users share their status of listening music on social media sites. If you give customers something to boast about their lifestyle and share their new achievements, they will probably attract towards this feature of your mobile app. So you should go for this kind of mobile app development, so as per the user’s share their friends will also want to get in on the action and they will also go for the downloading your application.
So, don’t ever forget to integrate social media sharing buttons in your app’s content so people can easily share their status on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or any other social media networks.

- Offer Excellent Customer Service:
To get a referral for your mobile app, it’s very important to provide outstanding customer service. There is no any business will get immediate success without satisfying their customers. Providing 24/7 days support, which is essential because it takes only one bad post of an angry and disappointed customer to damage your reputation in the market.
So, you should be ever ready to emails or any social media posts, which is asking for your help. When you don’t go away from addressing negative reviews, you show that you really care about your customers and their various experience. If you make users participate, they will feel special and share their experience with their friends.
- Build A Community:
In order to make conversation live which includes your app, you can simply give your users a place to communicate. You can make a group or online community. For example, you get users who can be motivated to share their stories in the group, do question & answers, encourage other users to discuss your business mobile app.
You can also set up a forum group or community on social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. Once you have created the group, you will find some of the users are more active than others. They can be your advocates for your app. All you need to do is, just start a new topic with post and let others join to discuss on it.
- Give Users Special Rewards:
The strategy is quite simple; if you award users for sharing your app, they will try to share more & more. People love to get free stuff, so this is the strongest strategy which will help you to get more new customers through rewards. Let’s take an example, you can unlock the special feature of the app when the user shares app’s content with five friends on Facebook or Twitter; add five photos on Pinterest. You can also offer promo codes which help to encourage users to play with your app.
There are many other ways to motivate users of your application like giving them extra storage, free themes, free downloads, free gifts, discounts or free upgrade. For example, many games app gives you medal or rewards to unlock new levels and features. So, the result will be in increased number of downloads.
There is only one solution to make your application famous is to do hard work and mobile app marketing can boost your success. There are countless applications available in the market, but not all they are successful. As per the today’s competition, it is not just an easy task to launch your product on the App Store and wishing for the best but you need to do hard work for app’s promotion as well as improvement. By making a mobile app marketing plan before our mobile application development, you can achieve unbeatable success. It might be possible that it will be hard to engage your users, but once you understand how to get them to share your application you will succeed. If you strongly follow these steps, the success for which you are awaiting might just be around you.