Preparation had begun several months ago, expectations were sky high, the opening of our new office had to match the grand scale of our new building and infrastructure had to be like IT professional because now our Logistic Infotech becomes “Logistic Infotech Pvt. Ltd.”. Simply I can say a word that describes the whole scenario of the opening is “Spectacular”!!!

For the sake of elder’s wish and God’s blessings, the Pooja of Lord Shree Satya-Narayan was arranged and all the family members were gathered to be a part of the holy event on the day of Labh Pancham dated 16th November 2015.

The new office of Logistic Infotech is having full of facilities and has many sections for different activities of IT related work. The Office starts with the tremendous reception Area having a decent Logo of “Logistic Infotech” and a big wall clock which is the most attractive part of the Area. After entering reception Area, there is a big passage connecting all the sections of the office. The main Section in front of the entrance door is two chambers of the owners (obviously our BOSS 😀 ). Beside these chambers, one side is covered by the Development Area where all the developers can develop their masterpiece for the web and Mobile App Development and the other side having Meeting Room, Business Development Room, Training Department and the Cafeteria – the most visiting Area.

The grand inauguration ceremony of Logistic Infotech for the prodigious new office in Rajkot city was the most memorable day for all the Logisticians.
Let’s start with the preparation for the Big Day that is the grand inauguration ceremony of Logistic Infotech on 22nd November 2015. The day before the inauguration, all of the staff members were participating in shifting assets from old office to the new office. After shifting to the new office, all had done the setup of their PCs and then helped in decorating the Office. The decoration theme was White, Blue and Orange balloons and matching curly ribbons tailing them. The Red ribbon was tied on the main door to inaugurate. Some of the boys were preparing eye-catching Rangoli which has a concept about IT field presented in the form of the symbols or logos of technology used in our work. We girls had a strong part to play because the responsibility to give the perfect finishing in decoration was on our shoulders. 😛 All we said for next one hour was “tilt it to the left, oh no no… a little right… yeah Now it’s Perfect!!!” “This balloon is not tied exactly, that ribbon is not curled properly etc. etc. ”. I must say the combination of the balloons and ribbons was looking marvelous. All of the members had a lot of fun by pulling the leg of one another while doing decoration and had a spicy snack called “Vada Pav & Mirchi”. Finally the decoration was completed by the end of the day.

It was very difficult to reach office at 9 early in the morning; still we all made it possible on sharp time. We felt really great to see our last-night’s preparation sparkling in sunshine. 😀 The Ceremony started sharp at 9:00 A.M after invited guests arrived. The ‘Muhurat Pooja’ initiated with the worship of lord Ganesha. Our new office was inaugurated by Mr. Chandra Chaitanya as well as by our owners named Mr. Alpesh Patel, Mr. Chintan Adatiya, Mr. Prashant Karia, and Mr. Nilesh Kikani.

After Inauguration all the guests were congratulated and gave good wishes to the owners and enjoyed the great infrastructure visit of the whole office with smooth inspirational background music all over the area. Then they all were requested to take the delicious breakfast as per their convenience. There were lots of items in the breakfast like Thepla, Suki-bhaji, Curd, Gathiya-Jalebi, Tea and last but not the least everyone’s favorite mouth watering dessert none other than Ice-cream.

After having tasty breakfast, all were get to gather for a wonderful photo session of the Logisticians (Logistic Infotech Family). At the end of the event, I would say everything turned out as per the way we expected and all logisticians were relaxed after the event.
Now coming to the first day of our new office, we started our day with having sweets. All were really excited to enjoy our new place, new seating arrangements and the new environment as well. We have done work seriously in the morning and then went for the lunch in the cafeteria, then back to work. In the evening we enjoyed our first tea-break with flavorful tea and coffee of our brand new tea maker machine. The best part of the day was there was no burden of timing because there was not the kindle to punch our entry and exit time 😉 .
At last, All Logistician’s well wishes are always with you for the unbeatable success of the Logistic Infotech Pvt. Ltd; it has been a privilege to be a part of the Logistic Infotech family for the past few years. Your keen wit and wisdom have positively impacted on each of us. We wish you acquire much achievement in the upcoming future.